CV Niaga Perkasa Odoo Versi 11.0+e

Informasi tentang CV Niaga Perkasa contoh Odoo, Sumber terbuka.

Aplikasi diinstal

Stock Inventory Aging Report PDF/Excel
odoo Apps will print Stock Aging Report by Compnay, Warehoouse, Location, Product Category and Product.
Payment/Voucher Double Approval Workflow
odoo app manage payment two three way approval process workflow
Product Tags
App will Add tags into product Screen
Leads, Opportunities, Activities
Projects, Tasks
Inventory Management
Inventory, Logistics, Warehousing
Manufacturing Orders, Bill of Materials, Routings
Manajemen Penjualan
Penawaran, Order Penjualan, Penagihan
Antarmuka Layar Sentuh untuk Toko
Tabel Waktu
Review and approve employees time reports
Diskusi, Milis, Berita
Invoicing Management
Kirim Faktur dan Telusuri Pembayaran
Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Akuntansi Analitik dan Keuangan
Sticky notes, Collaborative, Memos
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
Bill of Materials, Routings, Versions, Engineering Change Orders
Kontrol Kualitas
Quality Alerts and Control Points
Website Builder
Build Your Enterprise Website
Sell Your Products Online
Ticketing, Support, Issues
Manajemen Pembelian
Order Pembelian, Penerimaan, Tegihan Pemasok
Employee Directory
Pekerjaan, Departemen, Detail Karyawan
Expense Tracker
Expenses Validation, Invoicing
Pennyu - Auto Invoice
Improved Auto Invoice for Pennyu
Pennyu - E-Faktur
Efaktur for Pennyu
Pennyu - Expenses
Expenses for Pennyu
Pennyu - Store Grade
Store Grade for Pennyu
Create your custom dashboard
Contacts Directory
Pelanggan, Pemasok, Rekanan,...
Inter Company Transfer and Warehouse Transfer
Module to manage Inter Company Transfer and Inter Warehouse Transfer along with all required documents with easiest way by just simple configurations.
Marketing Automation
Automate Marketing Campaigns
Maintenance - MRP
Schedule and manage maintenance on machine and tools.
MSI MRP Record
MSI Print Internal
Stock Adjustment
Stock Adjustment
MSI Sales Order Custom
Non Moving Products Report
Non Moving Products Report gives the list of products which are in stock but doesn’t have any movement (doesn’t have sales) in specified date range. Report will be generated warehouse wise along with it’s last sales information.
Telaah Proyek
Resource management for Project
Direct Print to Dot Matrix Printer
This is modul is used to print PO, Picking, Invoice directly to dot matrix printers
Easily create and customize your applications
Create surveys, collect answers and print statistics
Pemasaran Email
Design, send and track emails
Equipments, Assets, Internal Hardware, Allocation Tracking
Personal & Shared Calendar
News, Blogs, Announces, Discussions
Share and Publish Videos, Presentations and Documents
Forum, FAQ, Q&A
Fleet Management
Vehicle, leasing, insurances, costs
Live Chat
Live Chat with Visitors/Customers
Manajemen Reparasi
Repair broken or damaged products